I want to talk to you today about secret frustrations. We can be blessed in many areas, with good health, good family, a good job, but then just have one thing that’s not right. One temptation we can’t seem to overcome. One thing in a relationship that’s not fulfilling. Or maybe one nagging health issue. Nobody can see it. On the outside we seem fine but on the inside we’re frustrated.
I talked to a lady last week. She volunteers as one of our prayer partners. She and her husband have been believing to have a baby for many years with no success. Every so often during the services she’ll pray for people in that same situation – to have a child. Over time, again and again, they’ll bring their babies back, so happy. She sees their prayers being answered but her own prayers not being answered. She looks like she’s on top of the world. She’s beautiful, successful, great husband. But what you can’t see is this secret frustration, that one thing she can’t understand.
Life is full of contradictions. You’re helping other people get well but you don’t feel that well. Your coworkers are all being promoted. You’re working just as hard, producing just as much, but nobody notices you. If we’re honest we all have these secret frustrations, things that we know God could change. We know he could open the door. He could remove the temptation. He could give us the baby we’ve been dreaming about. But it’s not happening.
We have to realize God is a sovereign God. We’re not going to understand why everything happens. There are some things that God doesn’t remove, some situations he waits a long time to change. You have to trust that he knows what’s best for you. Everything that’s not changing, what he is not removing, if you will keep the right attitude, it won’t work against you. It will work for you. Don’t let the contradictions of life cause you to be sour and give up on your dreams.
The apostle Paul wrote over half of the new testament. He came from an influential family, was highly educated. God used him in incredible ways. But as effective as Paul was he had this secret frustration. He called it a thorn in his flesh. Scholars have debated for years whether that was a physical condition, some kind of illness, or whether it was emotional, the people coming against him, the persecution. But whatever this thorn was, whatever was bothering Paul, he asked God three times to remove it. One version says, “He implored God to take it away”. That means he gave it his best argument. “God, you know I’m being my best, serving you, writing all these books. The least you could do is heal me”. If anybody had pull with God it would have been Paul. But what’s interesting is God didn’t remove the thorn. He said, “Paul, my grace is sufficient for you. My power shows up best in weakness”.
Is there something you’ve been imploring God to change? Situation in your health, your finances, a relationship? You’ve asked again and again. Nothing is improving. I’m not saying to give up and settle there. What I’m saying is until God removes it don’t let it steal your joy. Don’t let it sour your life. You have the grace to be there. The right attitude is, “I’m not going to let this secret frustration, this thorn in my flesh so to speak, frustrate me anymore. God, I believe your grace is sufficient. I know at the right time you will change it. But even if you don’t change it I’m still going to be my best and honor you”.